The Government Institute of Medical Sciences Kasana ,Greater Noida (SSPHPGTI), Noida invites application for the post of Store keeper: -
Published @
Store keeper: -
No. of posts: 30
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/-
Educational Qualification: (i) Candidate must have passed Intermediate with Science/Accountancy (ii) Must possess a minimum speed of twenty five words per minute and thirty words per minute in Hindi Typewriting and English Typewriting respectively. 'CCC' certificate in Computer Operation awarded by the DOEACC Society or a certificate equivalent thereto awarded by an Institution recognized by the Government with '02 years' experience in the large Institute. Preferential: A candidate who has (i) Served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or(ii) Obtained a 'B' certified of National Cadet Corps, shall other things being equal, be given preference.
Click here to apply online
Last date: 26/12/2016
For more details click here or visit
The Government Institute of Medical Sciences Kasana ,Greater Noida (SSPHPGTI), Noida invites application for the post of Store keeper: -
Published @
Store keeper: -
No. of posts: 30
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/-
Educational Qualification: (i) Candidate must have passed Intermediate with Science/Accountancy (ii) Must possess a minimum speed of twenty five words per minute and thirty words per minute in Hindi Typewriting and English Typewriting respectively. 'CCC' certificate in Computer Operation awarded by the DOEACC Society or a certificate equivalent thereto awarded by an Institution recognized by the Government with '02 years' experience in the large Institute. Preferential: A candidate who has (i) Served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or(ii) Obtained a 'B' certified of National Cadet Corps, shall other things being equal, be given preference.
Click here to apply online
Last date: 26/12/2016
For more details click here or visit