Advertisement No. 01/2018(Non-Teaching),
Invites applications for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical)
Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical)
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.8,000-35,000/- GP Rs.4,500/-
Educational Qualifications:3(three) years Diploma in Civil/ElectricalEngineering from Govt. recognized institute with 2-3 years working experience.
D.Q. 1. Proficiency in Computer application.
Terms and conditions: 1. Candidate must be an Indian Citizen as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India. 2. Candidates already in Govt. service should apply through proper channel. 3. Application Fee in the form of Account Payee Bank Draft of Rs.300.00 (Rupees three hundred) only for the candidate of general category and Rs.150.00 (Rupees one hundred fifty) only in case of SC/ST /PH candidate(for the posts of Sl. No. 01-10) and Rs. 200.00 for General category and 100.00 for SC/ST/PH candidates(for the posts of Sl. No. 11-12 drawn in favour of the Registrar, AAU, payable at Jorhat-13 must be submitted along with application form. 4. Age as on 01.01.2018; the minimum age of the candidate shall be 18 years and maximum age limit shall be 44 years. Relaxation of upper age limit in case of candidates belonging to the special categories and others will be given in accordance with the orders issued by the Govt. of Assam . The upper age limit in case of AAU employees will be relaxed as per AAU’s norms. 5. Those who applied earlier for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant against Advertisement No.1/2017 need not apply. 6. The selection and appointment shall be made as per AAU Rule. 7. Application must be accompanied by the following: (a) Attested copies of all certificates/mark sheets in support educational qualification, age, caste, Permanent Residence etc. (b) Two copies of self attested recent passport size photographs. (c) Attested copy of Employment Registration Card, if any (d) Self addressed envelope (size 23 cm X 10 cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs.6.00 (Rupees six) only. (e) Physically disabled candidate will produce certificate issued by competent authority. (f) Certificates of good character and conduct from two responsible persons known to the candidate (but not related to candidate) and indicating the name and address of the referees at the para 19 of the application form. 8. The application without proper supporting documents, 2(two) copies of
self attested photographs and Bank Draft for application fee shall summarily be rejected. 9. Reservation shall be as per Government of Assam Rule. 10. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending in the written test/interview. 11. Canvassing directly or indirectly, influence in any form will be treated as disqualification of candidate. 12. The last date of receipt of completed application forms by the office of the Registrar, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785 013 is 15.06.2018 (during office hours). No application will be entertained after the last date fixed. 13. Mere possessing the requisite qualifications will not make a candidate eligible for the written test/interview, as the case may be. The final decision to call for the interview shall rest with the University authority.
Last date to apply: 15/06/2018
Advertisement No. 01/2018(Non-Teaching),
Invites applications for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical)
Pay Scale: PB-3 Rs.8,000-35,000/- GP Rs.4,500/-
Educational Qualifications:3(three) years Diploma in Civil/ElectricalEngineering from Govt. recognized institute with 2-3 years working experience.
D.Q. 1. Proficiency in Computer application.
Terms and conditions: 1. Candidate must be an Indian Citizen as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India. 2. Candidates already in Govt. service should apply through proper channel. 3. Application Fee in the form of Account Payee Bank Draft of Rs.300.00 (Rupees three hundred) only for the candidate of general category and Rs.150.00 (Rupees one hundred fifty) only in case of SC/ST /PH candidate(for the posts of Sl. No. 01-10) and Rs. 200.00 for General category and 100.00 for SC/ST/PH candidates(for the posts of Sl. No. 11-12 drawn in favour of the Registrar, AAU, payable at Jorhat-13 must be submitted along with application form. 4. Age as on 01.01.2018; the minimum age of the candidate shall be 18 years and maximum age limit shall be 44 years. Relaxation of upper age limit in case of candidates belonging to the special categories and others will be given in accordance with the orders issued by the Govt. of Assam . The upper age limit in case of AAU employees will be relaxed as per AAU’s norms. 5. Those who applied earlier for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant against Advertisement No.1/2017 need not apply. 6. The selection and appointment shall be made as per AAU Rule. 7. Application must be accompanied by the following: (a) Attested copies of all certificates/mark sheets in support educational qualification, age, caste, Permanent Residence etc. (b) Two copies of self attested recent passport size photographs. (c) Attested copy of Employment Registration Card, if any (d) Self addressed envelope (size 23 cm X 10 cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs.6.00 (Rupees six) only. (e) Physically disabled candidate will produce certificate issued by competent authority. (f) Certificates of good character and conduct from two responsible persons known to the candidate (but not related to candidate) and indicating the name and address of the referees at the para 19 of the application form. 8. The application without proper supporting documents, 2(two) copies of
self attested photographs and Bank Draft for application fee shall summarily be rejected. 9. Reservation shall be as per Government of Assam Rule. 10. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending in the written test/interview. 11. Canvassing directly or indirectly, influence in any form will be treated as disqualification of candidate. 12. The last date of receipt of completed application forms by the office of the Registrar, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785 013 is 15.06.2018 (during office hours). No application will be entertained after the last date fixed. 13. Mere possessing the requisite qualifications will not make a candidate eligible for the written test/interview, as the case may be. The final decision to call for the interview shall rest with the University authority.
Last date to apply: 15/06/2018