Post: Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
Vacancies: 58
Pay Scale: 50700 – 160600/- (Level-8A)
Age : Age as on _1st January 2019: Minimum = 18 Years Maximum = 40 Years Physically Challenged candidates = 42 years Candidates belonging to RBA/SC/ST/ALC/SLC categories = 43 years Ex-serviceman = 48 years
Educational Qualifications: Bachler’s Degree in the relevant branch of Engineering of AMIE Section (A&B) India in the appropriate branch of Engineering.
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Vacancies: 58
Pay Scale: 50700 – 160600/- (Level-8A)
Age : Age as on _1st January 2019: Minimum = 18 Years Maximum = 40 Years Physically Challenged candidates = 42 years Candidates belonging to RBA/SC/ST/ALC/SLC categories = 43 years Ex-serviceman = 48 years
Educational Qualifications: Bachler’s Degree in the relevant branch of Engineering of AMIE Section (A&B) India in the appropriate branch of Engineering.
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