Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University Invites applications for the post of Computer Programmer
Post :Computer Programmer
Post :Computer Programmer
Vacancy :03
Pay Scale :Rs 18000/-
Age : 35 years
Qualification & experience: MCA/MSc (IT)/ MSc (IT & CA)/ ME(CE/IT/CSE) With at-least 55% marks with minimum two years’ experience
Qualification & experience: MCA/MSc (IT)/ MSc (IT & CA)/ ME(CE/IT/CSE) With at-least 55% marks with minimum two years’ experience
Selection Process : Selection will be based on Personal Interview.
How to apply : The Candidate must send his/her application in the prescribed format only which are available on on or before 14/09/2020 along with self-attested xerox copies of his/her mark sheets and supporting documents to “Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Government Polytechnic Campus, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University Road, Khadiya, Junagadh-362 263.”
Note : Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh reserves all rights whether to fill up or not, any or all the vacancies advertised and also to make any amendments/modifications. Application which is Incomplete/without attaching necessary testimonials/without DD of prescribed fee will not be considered. Candidate should possess the required educational qualifications on the date of interview. Any Corrigendum / Addendum for any further information and or update shall be uploaded only on the website of the BKNMU, Junagadh. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is found that any document submitted is fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be terminated forthwith. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates. The candidate should reach at the University on given date and time. The University will not send any call letter and other correspondence for attending the interview. Interview Scheduled will be published at university website on 19/09/2020. University will not make any other mode of communication for the process of recruitment other than university website. All the applicants are directed to visit website of university regularly. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University, Junagadh in all matter relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of interview will be final and no query or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his/ her agency. In case of any dispute, any sue or legal proceeding by or against the University, Courts within whose local Jurisdiction, Headquarter of the University is situated shall have the Jurisdiction. No T.A./D.A. will be paid to the candidate to attend interview. Canvassing of any kind will not be tolerated and it will disqualify the candidature. The Research score provided against the given categories in each column should be supported by documentary evidence, if claimed. The qualifications and other conditions prescribed in the present advertisement are subject to the regulations/norms stipulated as per the “UGC REGULATIONS ON MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2018 and concerned statutory bodies as amended from time to time and shall be binding to the all candidates.
Starting Date for Submission of Application 26 August 2020
Last Date for Submission of Application 14 September 2020
Click here for official notification

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