EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION MODEL HOSPITAL KATHA VILLAGE, OPPOSSITE GILLETTE FACTORY BADDI (H.P) ENGAGEMENT OF FULL/PART TIME SPECIALIST -GYANE -01, MEDICINE-02, SENIOR RESIDENTS - MEDICINE-01, GYNAECOLOGY-01 ON CONTRACT BASIS Walk-in-interview for the post of full/part time Specialist & Senior Residents (Gynae & Medicine) on one year contract basis extendable upto 3 years or till the posts is filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier at ESIC Model Hospital, Village: Katha, Baddi, H.P.. Accordingly, the eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling the qualifications/eligibility conditions as under should appear for a walk-ininterview with their application alongwith original certificates and one set of attested photocopy of the relevant documents in support of Age, Qualifications, Attempt , Mark Sheet, MCI/State Registration, Category & experience certificate etc. and two recent passport size photographs:- PAR...